Hi everyone, how was your weekend? Mine was good. Saturday morning Mommy took me and Lily to the Lowell dog park. It's not as big as the one in Derry, NH (that's my favorite) but it is MUCH closer and saves Mommy gas so she can buy me lots of presents. And there is still room for me to run around and catch tennis balls. I especially like to pick up a Frisbee and walk around with it. Mommy can throw a Frisbee well, but Daddy isn't much of a Frisbee thrower. I usually just wait until the ones he throws hit the ground and then I grab them. Anyway, after the park we went home to get Daddy out of bed and to put Lily in her crate. Why? Because I had my agility class to get to!
When Mommy and Daddy first adopted me I chewed a hole in the living room rug. Hee hee, thinking about that makes me giggle. I would never do that now! Mommy signed me up for puppy class at the PetSmart in Nashua right away. That's where we met Aunt Melanie. She's not really related to me but she's as close to me as any relative I have. Thanks to her I passed beginner, intermediate, and advanced classes and I am a certified Canine Good Citizen. The class I am in now is just for fun. It's super tough! First you have to go through a scary tunnel with a parachute at the end. You can't even see out the other side! It took me a long time to get through, but I did it! Then I have to weave in and out of sticks shooting up from the ground. After that I have to stay for 5 seconds then go over to the seesaw. I tried it for the first time and it was SCARY! It makes a loud noise whenever a dog goes over it and we were sitting right next to it. I did not like that one bit. After that is the jump. Now, I know I'm part greyhound, but I prefer to keep all four feet on the floor, thankyouverymuch! Aunt Melanie even tempted me with a whole stick of pupperoni! Eventually Daddy had to scoop me up and toss me over. That's fine by me! But wait, there's more. After THAT I have to jump through a hula hoop that is half a foot off the ground! Can you even believe it? Daddy had to send me through that one, too. I really did try my hardest, but that stuff is really difficult. I'd rather watch TV and chew a rawhide.
The rest of the weekend I spent at home with my foster sister, Lily. She really likes to hang out with me. If Mommy or Daddy takes me outside to go to the bathroom without her, she cries until I come back in. Daddy usually takes us for walks together during the day. I think he does it because it's less stressful for everyone involved. We play with my toys together and wrestle. Sometimes Mommy and Daddy have to lift their legs in the air so they aren't hit by doggie limbs!