I don't remember living anywhere but with my Mommy and Daddy and my big brother Porkchop. He's a cat, but he's a cool cat so I love him in spite of his species. Anyway, I've always known I was adopted. I've heard my parents tell me a hundred times about seeing a picture of me on the internet and falling in love. They didn't think I'd still be available because I was so gosh darn cute, but I was! I came to them from Tennessee on a big transport bus with a lot of other dogs. Mommy and Daddy were both really anxious to meet me. Daddy had a stomachache for 10 whole days before my transport arrived! They picked me up in a Walmart parking lot. At first Mommy thought they forgot me because the men who drove the truck didn't

In Tennessee where I was born I was in a litter of four. I don't know anything about my siblings except that at least two were adopted before me. Maybe we'll meet at a convention someday.

She couldn't do it alone. We had a family meeting and Mommy and Daddy told Porkchop and I that we were going to foster a puppy. They said we would try it out and if it didn't work we would stop, but we were committing ourselves to whatever puppy we got.
In just about three short months our family has fostered eight dogs. Some of them I liked better than others, but they were all my friends.
My Daddy thought it was important for people to know about how many dogs are killed every day because there just isn't any room for them. Mommy thought I should be the one to tell them because I'm a rescue dog, too.
So here I am, my very first blog. I hope you'll join me and my family on this journey. We're sure to meet some friends along the way!
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